Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Sweet Sisters!!!

I have been wanting to snap a shot of the three of us for a long time. (Megan I am sorry you are not in the picture, we missed you!) I feel like now that we are all busy mothers taking pictures of our little ones, (can't say I am half as busy as they are) we forget to take photos of ourselves together! I am ever so grateful for the relationship I have with these beautiful girls. As I look at this picture I am taken back to loads of memories living together, not only in the same household, but the same room. Yep, thats right, three girls in one room. Three different hormonal cycles in one room! lol. Yet, it was within those walls we cultivated the eternal friendship we have today. It was within those walls we sang the silliest songs, made the funniest videos and had the most fun three girls could have anticipated. I just want to express my love for the best friends and mentors my Heavenly Father could have blessed me with. (Mom and Megan you are included). :)

"A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life."- Isadora James

Halloween (I know, I am soooooo late!)

I know, just now posting about Halloween and it's almost December!!! However, I did move just recently from Sacramento to San Diego and it was not easy with a 51/2 month old. Leah's first Halloween was low key, we just went to our ward halloween harvest festival. We had a great turn out, since it was a stake event. It was fun and all three of us dressed up. Leah and I were black cats, while Andrew was.....wait see if you can guess. Yep, if you guessed a texting driver, then you are right! lol. I think he felt left out not having a costume the night before. So, he came up with the scariest thing there is......a texting driver. If any of you know Andrew, then you know he can be quite innovative when the time calls. I really do love his quirky side! I have to say, since he has become a dad, he has really picked up the "dad" humor. :) Love you sweetie!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Leah Five Months!

Ok... so she technically isn't five months for another two days, but I thought I would get this post done, since I was in the mood. Leah gets more and more fun as the days go by. She has accomplished so much in the last five months and truly makes me proud. Most of what I'm talking about is her sleeping. She is a great sleeper (knock on wood, that she keeps this up) She has been for about a month now. I put her down at night around 8 or 8:30 and she won't wake up until somewhere between 6 and 7:30. She will then go back to sleep for another two hours. She takes about two two hour naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and then cat naps if she needs to before bed time. I can put her in her crib asleep or awake and she knows what to do. I'm not sure how long she will keep up with her great sleeping habits, but I am definitely enjoying it while it lasts. I know they like to change, right when you think you have it down. She knows how to roll on to her back, but I can't say she likes to that often. One new trick she has picked up is turning around while on her tummy. Leah does a 360 like a dog chasing it's tail. She is much slower of course, but it sure is fun to see her learn new things. I can tell she is becoming more comfortable with how her body works.

I went to a fabric store in Sacramento and got a bunch of elastic bands for cheap! The possibilities are endless with tulle, flowers, ribbon, felt and you name it. :) I'm not a pro at making head bands but I sure have fun with it!

Girls overnighter in San Francisco

About a week ago myself with four girlfriends from my stake went to San Francisco to just be girls! I was kinda nervous about leaving precious Leah for the first time over night, but knew that Andrew would do a wonderful job taking over. I didn't go because I necessarily needed a break, (Leah is so easy, ask me when I have three or four kids) I went because I wanted some girl time. It was just a perfect amount of time for me and when I came home I felt refreshed. It really was low key, yet Super fun! We started our trip off by getting pedicures at a great spot down town. We then ate at a great authentic Italian Restaurant after which we went to our hotel to play games until 3 in the morning. That was my kind of night. We woke up, ate a good breakfast, hit the shops and then came home. I am going to miss those girls and all my other Sacramento friends. :(

This was Grace's first time getting a pedicure. She doesn't like people touching her feet. lol

My feet felt so earthy bathing in all the leaves! Silly San Franciscans! :)

In front of Buon Gusto, I think the owner liked Shauna!

These cupcakes look so delicious, I totally regret not getting one! :(

After a long day, resting in Bloomingdale's. :)
Grace, Susanne, Shauna, me and Amanda!

We Are Moving!

I think most people already know, but since this is kinda my journal why not post it. I don't think I have made an official statement on our blog about our big move to San Diego. Well, we are moving to San Diego!! Ha. :) We are super excited since Andrew and I have always wanted to live there. Andrew isn't changing jobs he is just relocating to the San Diego office. We are extremely sad to be leaving Darrick and Megan along with other friends we have made while living in Sacramento for three and a half years. They have made our stay worth the while and... yeah... I don't even need to go there otherwise I will soak my computer with tears. :( We are also going to miss having no traffic. Every time Andrew and I would go down south to visit we would be disgusted by all the traffic and would say, "How did we live here?!" But, we did...I guess you just get used to it. Another down fall is we are definitely down grading when it comes to our rental. We are currently living in a house that is practically brand new for so cheap! Anyway, enough of the negative. We are still super excited! We will be by most of our family, a half hour or less from beautiful beaches and enjoying the most optimum weather sunny California could offer. We really have much to look forward to. :) Everything is happening in early November.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our little Punkin!

Our little Punkin is now over four months old and it continues to amaze me how much my love grows for her each day! I love looking at life through her eyes. Leah has learned even more when it comes to grabbing, talking, moving, making bubbles, and just noticing the world around her. Since Andrew and I are moving to San Diego, probably over Halloween weekend, we won't be in many Halloween festivities. So, I decided to use a costume my mom had at her house to snap a couple photos. She wasn't very fond of the costume so getting a smile wasn't easy and of course the one slight smile I do get is blurry. Every time I look at her in this costume I smile more then any other picture, because she really is a little pumpkin! Here are her recent four month stats:
-Weight 14 lb 5oz. (65%)
- Height 25 inches (83%)
- Head circumference 16.5 inches (75%)

So I had to get a few photos of Leah and her dad, they both just looked too cute. Whenever Andrew gets home Leah just perks right up, just like a toddler or young child would over Daddy coming home. I absolutely love it when they play together!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

3 1/2 Months!

I totally skipped the three month mark so we will have to do with three and a half months. I am loving every aspect of being a mother. (Except for the sleepless nights) She really is my side kick with all the chatting, laughing and shopping we do together. Along with being married to Andrew, she makes life more fulfilling. I really do miss the newborn stage already, but I love the exciting things three months has to offer. Leah's latest and greatest:

-She loves to laugh, giggle and smile, and will even do it without me or dad trying to entertain her. It really is the best part of everyday.

- She enjoys reading more and more. I can tell she notices more of the smaller details in the pictures.

- Her hands are always in her mouth, which is usually accompanied by a soaked shirt or collar and gagging. Silly girl! She also loves to reach and grab her toys.

- Her head is getting stronger and stronger. This makes it a lot more fun for play time. It really is nice to not have to baby the neck as much anymore.

- She loves head bands, bows, bracelets, skirts, petticoats, and dresses. Well.... at least she doesn't complain when I put them on. :) I know there may come a day when she rips them off, so I never hesitate at the chance to dress her up!

Don't worry I do strap her in, but I wanted a picture first!

This picture, by far, is my favorite of the bunch! That is why I saved it for last. I am by no means a photographer but I have to admit that it turned out pretty cute. :) (I don't mean to toot my own horn)

Monday, August 23, 2010

What I didn't realize...

This has been a post I have been meaning to do since day one of having Leah. I have definitely found an even deeper love for my husband Andrew, through watching him be a dad, then I ever even thought was possible. I guess that's why it is a big reason our Heavenly Father wants us to have children. Every day he comes home from work and is ever so eager to see and hold his baby girl. He wants to be the one to read her her night time book, relieve her from a crying spell, carry her when we are out and about, talk to her when she is in a good mood and and make her laugh etc.... It truly has been so fun watching this side of Andrew. This is probably really common for new dads but I feel he is exceptional. When Andrew and I were first married and even when we were dating I always knew he would be a good father, but what I didn't realize is how much I would enjoy watching him do so. :)Andrew with his first poopy diaper, see all the wipes above Leah's head. :)

I love the look on his face, I made him take this one. :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Fun!

This summer Andrew and I went to southern California and Parker Arizona (the river) for some fun in the sun. We had a great time visiting family and friends, some of which Leah met for the first time. Andrew was with me the first week and then I stayed an extra week to spend a little extra time with the fam bam. For a two week vacation, it was quite busy and went by way too fast. I was horrible at remembering to take pictures of everything and unfortunately did not get the chance to visit everyone I wanted. So if you are one of those I didn't visit, next time for sure!

Ashley Sattler and Danielle Chilcoat came by to visit. What great girlfriends I have. I just miss them to pieces!
My mom and I spent a day together at the Grove in LA. It was a fun day of shopping and enjoying good eats! We didn't see anyone famous, then again, I probably wouldn't know it if I did. :) Last time I went there I saw Ryan Seacrest. The funny thing about that is I walked right past him and didn't even notice. My friend had to point it out to me. I can be so oblivious!

Lynsey and I got to hang out majority of the time. I am so sad I don't have a recent picture of me and my sisters. I guess that's what happens when you bring kids into the picture, we both forget. Sara was on vacation the whole time I was here, so I was bumbed to have not spent too much time with her. Anywho, this is me with lynsey's little munchkins, Zack and Wes. They are so fun!
Leah and Wes are going to be best little buds!

I was so happy to visit the Kusters while in southern cal. I babysat these girls when Maddie was in the first grade and now she is going to Jr. High, while Megan is going to High School!!! Oh my have they grown into these beautiful young women. It was so nice to see them!

For most of the first week of our vacation we went to the river. Some friends of ours have a house that backs up to the river. They are so kind to invite us every summer. About ten couples are invited (lynsey and chris are one of them) and the guys compete in several events such as wake boarding, resistance pull, obstacle course etc... They call it the "River Olympics". The girls basically relax while enjoying boat rides, jet skis, books and the sun! Although I didn't spend too much time in the sun with a baby we still had a blast! Thank you Ryan and Julie!

So right after I knew I was having a girl I came across this bathing suit at Janie and Jack on clearance for ten dollars, while the cover up was twelve. Now some of you might think this isn't that great of a deal for something your kid will wear only a couple of times, but I thought it was way worth it, especially for the photos! So I had to take a ton to get my money's worth. Besides we were matching! :) I know I am cheesy!
Check out the beautiful quiet view!

This girl loves her dad. I think it is adorable!