Friday, October 22, 2010

Leah Five Months!

Ok... so she technically isn't five months for another two days, but I thought I would get this post done, since I was in the mood. Leah gets more and more fun as the days go by. She has accomplished so much in the last five months and truly makes me proud. Most of what I'm talking about is her sleeping. She is a great sleeper (knock on wood, that she keeps this up) She has been for about a month now. I put her down at night around 8 or 8:30 and she won't wake up until somewhere between 6 and 7:30. She will then go back to sleep for another two hours. She takes about two two hour naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and then cat naps if she needs to before bed time. I can put her in her crib asleep or awake and she knows what to do. I'm not sure how long she will keep up with her great sleeping habits, but I am definitely enjoying it while it lasts. I know they like to change, right when you think you have it down. She knows how to roll on to her back, but I can't say she likes to that often. One new trick she has picked up is turning around while on her tummy. Leah does a 360 like a dog chasing it's tail. She is much slower of course, but it sure is fun to see her learn new things. I can tell she is becoming more comfortable with how her body works.

I went to a fabric store in Sacramento and got a bunch of elastic bands for cheap! The possibilities are endless with tulle, flowers, ribbon, felt and you name it. :) I'm not a pro at making head bands but I sure have fun with it!


Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

Leah is SO CUTE! I just love her! Thats amazing that she's sleeping so well, isn't it nice!!! Ruby doesn't sleep as well as Leah, but we still get a full nights sleep!

The Shaws said...

Wow. The top pic of her in white and the top pic of her in black look so much like your mom. Has anyone ever said that before? Cuteie!!

Lynsey said...

Can't wait to kiss those little cheeks more often! she is getting so big!

Ashley Gilbert said...

She is so so cute! I love her little black outfit at the end :) Your San Fran trip looked like so much fun! I bet it is weird to be moving from Sac. I hope the move goes well for you guys! :)

Megan said...

So sad I won't be able to kiss those cheeks as often. She is just adorable.

Ms. Green Eyes said...

Oh, sweet little Leah! She just gets cuter and cuter.

And your SF overnighter looks like so much fun!

J, J and B said...

You're totally talented! Love the headbands, and Leah's cheeks! :)